Hi, I'm

Perrin Root

Student @ Staples High School

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Perrin Root August 7, 2024

“It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop” -Confucius

I have started to crank out (to the best of my ability) sheets for Pirant. I’m on borrowed time though, since the school year starts in about three weeks. I figure that if I can average one unit/sheet per day, I can have a solid dent into the math section of the website — which goes to show the ambition behind the whole thing. I’ll continue them into the year, slowly but consistently...

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Run and Play

Perrin Root July 19, 2024

I just finished the website for the new tutoring business. It took a long time to code everything, but in the end I am happy with the result. That and soccer stuff has pretty much been my life for the past few weeks. Now that it’s over, I am looking forward to starting a new chapter in my summer (I guess I can call it that)...

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A Traveling Plan

Perrin Root June 26, 2024

This past week, I went to Illinois to visit my grandparents’ farm. We typically go each year, but this was the first year where I brought my camera. Maybe it was being younger, but I never realized how different and beautiful that part of the United States is. Growing up in a suburban part of the world, it’s different to see massive properties and long commutes to things like a grocery store...

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Games to Play (Part 2)

Perrin Root June 18, 2024

I also used this weekend to perform some much-needed updates to the blog. To start, I added a subscription feature, so people can be notified when I make a new post. I made a new page for it, put it as an option whenever someone leaves a comment, and also made it a big blue button in the top right of the page...

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